why we suprised
We suprised beneath the sky.
Why we can not go so high ?
Would be also have feather,
Then we can fly together.
to sit on the clouds,
and solve our all doubt .
we face first ray of Sun
then release the ray of bun
no any problem and tension
all bad deads forgot,
switch on television
Poet - Pranjul kumar , Class -8th , Apnaghar
Introduction -He is Pranjul kumar and he belongs to Chatisgarh .He is from poor family .present time he is living in Apnaghar institute for education .He loves to dance , study listeining music .
2 टिप्पणियां:
Nice poem.. Very nice....
Thank you for read the poem and give courage to spread it to another .
एक टिप्पणी भेजें